Cloud Experts Documentation

Using Azure Container Registry in Private ARO clusters

This content is authored by Red Hat experts, but has not yet been tested on every supported configuration.

This guide describes how configure and deploy an Azure Container Registry, limiting the access to the registry and connecting privately from a Private ARO cluster, eliminating exposure from the public internet.

You can limit access to the ACR by assigning virtual network private IP addresses to the registry endpoints and using Azure Private Link .

Network traffic between the Private ARO cluster and the registry’s private endpoints traverses the virtual network and a private link on the Microsoft backbone network, eliminating exposure from the public internet.

NOTE: If you are interested in deploy and integrate an ACR with a public endpoint and connect them into an ARO cluster follow the How-to Use ACR with ARO guide .

Prepare your ARO cluster

  1. Deploy a Private ARO cluster

  2. Set some environment variables

    export NAMESPACE=aro-acr
    export AZR_CLUSTER=aro-mobb
    export AZR_RESOURCE_LOCATION=eastus
    export AZR_RESOURCE_GROUP=aro-mobb-rg
    export ACR_NAME=acr$((RANDOM))
    export PRIVATEENDPOINTSUBNET_NAME="PrivateEndpoint-subnet"
    export ARO_VNET_NAME="aro-mobb-vnet"

Create ACR and restrict the access using Private Endpoint

You can limit access to the ACR instance by assigning virtual network private IP addresses to the registry endpoints and using Azure Private Link.

Network traffic between the clients on the virtual network and the registry’s private endpoints traverses the virtual network and a private link on the Microsoft backbone network, eliminating exposure from the public internet. Private Link also enables private registry access from on-premises through Azure ExpressRoute private peering or a VPN gateway.

  1. Register the resource provider for Azure Container Registry in your subscription:
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerRegistry
  1. Create PrivateEndpoint-subnet for allocate the ACR PrivateEndpoint resources (among others):
az network vnet subnet create \
  --resource-group $AZR_RESOURCE_GROUP \
  --vnet-name $ARO_VNET_NAME \

NOTE: Disable network policies such as network security groups in the subnet for the private endpoint it’s needed for the integration with Private Endpoint in this scenario.

  1. Create the Azure Container Registry disabling the public network access for the container registry:
az acr create \
  --resource-group $AZR_RESOURCE_GROUP \
  --name $ACR_NAME \
  --sku Premium \
  --public-network-enabled false \
  --admin-enabled true
  1. Create a private Azure DNS zone for the private Azure container registry domain:
az network private-dns zone create \
  --resource-group $AZR_RESOURCE_GROUP \
  --name ''

NOTE: To use a private zone to override the default DNS resolution for your Azure container registry, the zone must be named

  1. Associate your private zone with the virtual network:
az network private-dns link vnet create \
  --resource-group $AZR_RESOURCE_GROUP \
  --name 'AcrDNSLink' \
  --zone-name '' \
  --virtual-network $ARO_VNET_NAME \
  --registration-enabled false
  1. Get the resource ID of your registry:
REGISTRY_ID=$(az acr show -n $ACR_NAME --query 'id' -o tsv)
  1. Create the registry’s private endpoint in the virtual network:
az network private-endpoint create \
  --name 'acrPvtEndpoint' \
  --resource-group $AZR_RESOURCE_GROUP \
  --vnet-name $ARO_VNET_NAME \
  --private-connection-resource-id $REGISTRY_ID \
  --group-id 'registry' \
  --connection-name 'acrConnection'
  1. Create a DNS zone group for a private endpoint in Azure Container Registry (ACR):
az network private-endpoint dns-zone-group create \
  --name 'ACR-ZoneGroup' \
  --resource-group $AZR_RESOURCE_GROUP \
  --endpoint-name 'acrPvtEndpoint' \
  --private-dns-zone '' \
  --zone-name 'ACR'
  1. Query the Private Endpoint for the Network Interface ID:
NETWORK_INTERFACE_ID=$(az network private-endpoint show \
  --name 'acrPvtEndpoint' \
  --resource-group $AZR_RESOURCE_GROUP \
  --query 'networkInterfaces[0].id' \
  --output tsv)
  1. Get the FQDN of the ACR:
REGISTRY_FQDN=$(az network nic show \
  --query "ipConfigurations[?privateLinkConnectionProperties.requiredMemberName=='registry'].privateLinkConnectionProperties.fqdns" \
  --output tsv)
  1. Get the Private IP address of the ACR:
REGISTRY_PRIVATE_IP=$(az network nic show \
  --query "ipConfigurations[?privateLinkConnectionProperties.requiredMemberName=='registry'].privateIPAddress" \
  -o tsv)
  1. You can nslookup the FQDN to check that the record it’s propagated properly, and answers with the privatelink one:
  1. Get the Username and Password for login to the ACR instance:
ACR_USER=$(az acr credential show -n  $ACR_NAME --query "username" -o tsv)
ACR_PASS=$(az acr credential show -n $ACR_NAME --query "passwords[0].value" -o tsv)
  1. Try to login with podman or docker to the registry outside of the vNET:
podman login --username $ACR_USER $REGISTRY_FQDN

NOTE: you will receive an error, that it’s what we’re expecting, because the access to the ACR it’s restricted outside of the vNET (peering or VPN/ER needs to be used).

  1. Get (and save) the ARO_URL and the KUBEADMIN password:
ARO_KUBEPASS=$(az aro list-credentials --name $AZR_CLUSTER --resource-group $AZR_RESOURCE_GROUP -o tsv --query kubeadminPassword)
 ARO_URL=$(az aro show -g $AZR_RESOURCE_GROUP -n $AZR_CLUSTER --query apiserverProfile.url -o tsv)

Automation with Terraform (Optional)

If you want to deploy everything on this blog post automated, clone the rh-mobb terraform-aro repo and deploy it:

git clone
cd terraform-aro
terraform init
terraform plan -out aro.plan 		                       \
  -var "cluster_name=aro-$(shell whoami)"              \
  -var "restrict_egress_traffic=true"		               \
  -var "api_server_profile=Private"                    \
  -var "ingress_profile=Private"                       \
  -var "acr_private=true"

terraform apply aro.plan

Testing the Azure Container Registry from the Private ARO cluster

Once we have deployed the ACR, we need to test the ACR instance deployed, and limited the access only from within the vNET (or using peering, VPN or ExpressRoute connectivity).

  1. SSH to the JUMPHOST to be able to test and push a example image:
export JUMPHOST="xxx"
ssh -l aro $JUMPHOST
  1. Inside of the JUMPHOST (within the vNET) install oc and docker/podman:
sudo dnf update -y --disablerepo=* --enablerepo='*microsoft*' rhui-azure-rhel8-eus
sudo dnf install telnet wget bash-completion podman -y
tar -xvf openshift-client-linux.tar.gz
sudo mv oc kubectl /usr/bin/
oc completion bash > oc_bash_completion
sudo cp oc_bash_completion /etc/bash_completion.d/
  1. Login to the registry (this time should work):
export REGISTRY_FQDN="xxx"
export ACR_USER="xxx"
export ARO_URL="xxx"
podman login --username $ACR_USER $REGISTRY_FQDN 
  1. Push an example image to the ACR:
podman pull
podman tag $REGISTRY_FQDN/centos7/httpd-24-centos7
podman push $REGISTRY_FQDN/centos7/httpd-24-centos7
  1. Login to the Private ARO cluster and create a test namespace:
oc login --username kubeadmin --server=$ARO_URL
oc new-project test-acr
  1. Create the Kubernetes secret for storing the credentials to access the ACR inside of the ARO cluster:
oc create -n test-acr secret docker-registry \
    --docker-server=$REGISTRY_FQDN \
    --docker-username=$ACR_USER \
    --docker-password=******** \
    --docker-email=unused \
  1. Link the secret to the service account:
oc secrets link default acr-secret --for=pull
  1. Deploy an example app using the ACR container image pushed in the previous step:
oc create -n test-acr deployment httpd --image=$REGISTRY_FQDN/centos7/httpd-24-centos7
  1. After a couple of minutes, check the status of the pod:
oc get pod -n test-acr

It should work, deploying the container image in the Private ARO cluster.

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